
Research thrives on exchange. Here you will find the current dates of events and also news about the DIID. In addition, we regularly include summaries of past events to keep you up dated. Unfortunately, the latest news is mainly published in German language.


The DIID at the D³ Congress

12. December 2022

Under the title “Beyond deleting and blocking – moderation strategies for promoting constructive online discussions”, DIID was represented with a panel discussion at the D³ Congress on November 23, 2022.


Review of the Night of Science 2022

15. September 2022

The long night of science is over! The DIID successfully participated with an information booth and presented current research projects. Under the heading “Future questions of digitalization”, the DIID presented itself and two projects from its ranks.


DIID at the Science Night 2022

26. August 2022

This year’s Night of Science will take place on 09.09.2022, during which scientists from various disciplines will present their work. Research results from the fields of medicine & nutrition, energy & environment, media & communication and many other disciplines will be presented on Schadowplatz in downtown Düsseldorf. Admission is, of course, free of charge. Further information on the Night of Science and the complete program can be found here.


DIID Summer-Retreat 2022

5. July 2022

On 01.07.2022, the DIID Summer Retreat finally took place again in Präsenz after almost two years. The members of DIID and some external guests met at Schloss Mickeln, a conference center of Heinrich Heine University in Alt Himmelgeist.
At the beginning of the retreat, Institute spokesperson Prof. Dr. Christiane Eilders welcomed the participants.


DIID Winter-Retreat 2022

5. February 2022

On January 21, 2022, the Düsseldorf Institute for Internet and Democracy (DIID) invited to the Winter Retreat. Due to the pandemic situation, the retreat was held online once again, nevertheless there was a lively discussion culture and many exciting presentations by members of the DIID as well as some guests.


DGPuK-Conference 2022

24. January 2022

DIID will offer a decentralized workshop on “Conflict Communication 2.0” as part of the DGPuK annual conference “Wir müssen reden”. The workshop will take place on February 22 from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Werft 0.1 under the 2G+ regulation.
Further information on the annual conference can be found here.

#meinfernsehen2021 – First findings published in epd media

16. April 2021

Public broadcasting is more controversial than ever. However, in public, discussions about it are mostly conducted by the same experts and actors from politics and civil society. In Cooperation with the Grimme Institute and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education), the DIID has set up the online participation process #meinfernsehen2021 to explore the questions: Public broadcasting – What needs to change, what should remain in television?

Online Workshop: Modernising Public Participation through Deliberation?

6. April 2021

Workshop on the legal framework and institutional practice of municipal public participation in Poland and Germany.

More and more municipalities in Germany are issuing guidelines for public participation. However, how these guidelines fit into the legal regulations at national and European level, to what extent these also make standards of good participation (in our understanding: deliberative participation) binding, and whether these make any difference at all to participation practice on the ground, has not yet been sufficiently researched.

Conference: Future of Online Discussions

9. March 2021

After the pandemic-caused postponement and one year of waiting the conference on the Future of Online Discussions (FoOD) was held on 04th and 5th March 2021. The conference was jointly organized by the DIID and the Graduate School Online Participation.


dialog@hhu: The new participation platform of the DIID

27. January 2021

Online participation processes are not only one of the most important research topics of the DIID, but have also been conducted here regularly since its foundation. In order to be on the cutting edge of technology, the DIID now uses adhocracy+, an open source software. It is primarily developed by Liquid Democracy e.V. and enables the simple creation and implementation of participation processes.


Update on the FoOD conference

18. January 2021

Due to the Corona pandemic, we were forced to postpone the conference “The Future of Online Discussions” (FoOD) planned for March 2020 at short notice. The alternate date in August was also impossible to keep. After internal consultations, we have now decided to hold the event virtually via the online tool Webex on March 4 and 5, 2021.


DIID Winter- Retreat 2020

28. February 2020

On January 19th 2020, the Duesseldorf Institute of internet and Democracy invited its members and board to its annual winter retreat.Weiterlesen