
Research thrives on exchange. Here you will find the current dates of events and also news about the DIID. In addition, we regularly include summaries of past events to keep you up dated. Unfortunately, the latest news is mainly published in German language.


DIID spokesman Marc Ziegele at the 29th Altenberg Forum Church and Politics

19. December 2024

Last week, DIID spokesperson Prof Dr Marc Ziegele took part in the 29th Altenberg Forum Church and Politics on the topic of ‘Shaken foundations? Extremism in our society’. He took part in a panel discussion with NRW Minister of the Interior Herbert Reul, Prof Dr Sabrina Krauss (SRH University NRW) and Prelate Dr Karl Jüsten (Commissariat of the German Bishops) in front of around 200 interested guests.


Co-creation workshop at Schloss Mickeln

9. September 2024

On 2 and 3 September, the first co-creation workshop of the BMBF-funded IndI project took place at Schloss Mickeln in Düsseldorf. Representatives from politics, the media and public participation were invited to discuss with the research team how online discussions can be made more inclusive with the help of AI.


DIID Summer-Retreat 2024

5. July 2024

On 21 June 2020, the annual DIID summer retreat took place, followed by a summer party. DIID members, practice partners and invited guests gathered at Schloss Mickeln in Düsseldorf from 12.30 p.m. to discuss current research projects on the internet and democracy. A workshop with André Bächstiger (report) had already taken place in the morning.

DIID research workshop with André Bächtiger

29. June 2024

Research thrives on critical and constructive dialogue. As part of a DIID research workshop, we welcomed Prof. Dr André Bächtiger (University of Stuttgart) to Schloss Mickeln on 21 June. André Bächtiger is an internationally recognised expert in the field of empirical deliberation and democratisation research and an enthusiastic generator of ideas.


“ERLE” project launched

13. May 2024

On 3 May 2024, the kick-off meeting for the project “Success factors for local eParticipation: Mapping and strengthening digital civic participation in German municipalities (ErLE)” took place in Dresden.


DIID in the Media

27. February 2024

Members of the DIID are much sought-after experts on their topics. Independent expertise and categorisation are particularly important in the context of the current debates surrounding right-wing extremism and the role that digital media plays in this. DIID coordinator Dr. Dennis Frieß has spoken to Antenne Düsseldorf on several occasions in recent weeks.


DigiBeSt project completed

25. January 2024

The project commissioned by the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE) entitled “Possibilities and limits of digital participation instruments for public participation in the site selection process (DigiBeSt)” was concluded in summer 2023 with a workshop at the BASE premises in Berlin. The final report (only available in german) on the project has now been published.


General meeting and winter retreat

9. January 2024

On Friday, December 8, 2023, the DIID held its winter retreat and at the same time invited members to a general meeting at the Haus der Universität. Christiane Eilders was also officially bid farewell at this meeting.


BMBF project “IndI” launched

20. November 2023

The BMBF-funded project IndI has been up and running since November 1, 2023. In addition to the sub-project, the coordination of the associated BMBF cluster has also been anchored at DIID.


DIID teaching project: Ethical issues in artificial intelligence (AI)

14. November 2023

The teaching project “Ethical Issues of Artificial Intelligence (AI)” started in the winter semester 2023/2024. Under the guidance of DIID members Jonathan Seim and Jonas Carstens, HHU students are addressing ethical issues relating to artificial intelligence and developing corresponding workshops for students.


Farewell Note by Christiane Eilders

7. November 2023

Long-time DIID spokesperson Prof. Dr. Christiane Eilders has been appointed to be the new director of the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS) since October 1, 2023. We wish her all the best in her new role and would like to thank her for our very successful time together. A few personal words from Christiane Eilders:


The NRW Research College Online Participation: A Review

3. August 2023

The NRW Research College Online Participation is history. From 2014 to 2023, more than 20 doctoral students conducted research on the topic of online participation at the Research Training Group. Without the Kolleg, the DIID would not have been conceivable. A brief review:


Postdoc guidelines: Survey of HHU postdocs completed

12. July 2023

In cooperation with the Junior Scientist and International Researcher Center (JUNO), the DIID has conducted a survey among postdocs at HHU-Düsseldorf. The survey is the basis for a participation process for HHU-wide postdoc guidelines to take place in the winter semester 2023/2024.


Review of the #Polkomm2023 at DIID

11. July 2023

The PolKomm2023 conference, organized by the Düsseldorf Institute for Internet and Democracy (DIID), took place from June 28 to 30, 2023, at the Haus der Universität in Düsseldorf. The conference theme “AI – Conflicts – Conventions” featured a total of 17 presentations from the field of political communication research.


Workshop and public lecture with Dr. Kaiping Chen

24. March 2023

Last week, Prof. Dr. Kaiping Chen was a guest at DIID. During a workshop, some DIID members had the opportunity to exchange ideas with the American colleague. In the evening, Dr. Chen gave a lecture as part of the HeiCAD Lectures.


CAIS AG: AI in digital public participation

23. February 2023

What role can and should AI play in digital participation processes? These and other questions were discussed by a working group (WG) of DIID researchers and participation practitioners at CAIS in Bochum from February 8 to 10, 2023.
