The anthology “#meinfernsehen2021 Bürgerbeteiligung: Perceptions, Expectations and Proposals for the Future of Public Media Offerings”, which has been produced in the context of the #meinfernsehen2021 project, has has been published by Nomos in Open Access.
The project was launched in 2020 in cooperation with the Grimme Institute and the Federal Agency for Civic Education. After the implementation of the online dialogue in winter 2020 and spring 2021, the subsequent evaluation and research of the process, as well as the presentation of initial results in May 2021 and a panel discussion in October 2022, the publication marks the preliminary end of the successful project. Co-editor and DIID spokesperson Christiane Eilders classifies the timing of the publication and the contents of the anthology as follows:
Our book appears at a time of particularly critical attention for public broadcasting – and that is a good thing. The criticisms and suggestions we have collected on the future of television show that the public sees the problems and has been developing reform ideas even before Tom Buhrow. Now these critical voices should fall on open ears. This could be the beginning of a long-term dialog with those responsible.
The publication presents the procedure, the contents and the results of the participation project and also discusses the status quo of public broadcasting. The anthology is supplemented by contributions on the structure and content of public broadcasting as well as forecasts on future developments and challenges.
The 336-page anthology also includes numerous contributions from DIID members:
- Citizen Participation in Public Service Media (Christiane Eilders and Frauke Gerlach)
- Television of the Future – Between Individual Programming and Traditional Everyday Support (Lena Reuters and Anna Soßdorf)
- On the Role of Media Education in Public Television (Anna Soßdorf and Viviana Warnken)
- I like Deliberation? Connections between the deliberative quality of user contributions and their evaluation by means of likes and dislikes by other users (Marc Ziegele and Christiane Eilders)
- The Use of Moderation in #meinfernsehen2021 (Dominique Heinbach and Lena Wilms)
- Argumentation and Narration as Central Components of Deliberative Discourse (Sarah-Michelle Nienhaus and Henri Mütschele)
- Participation, Deliberation and High Activity – A Comparative Analysis of the Participation Quantity and Quality of Different User Groups (Christiane Eilders and Katharina Esau)
- Representativeness or Diversity? An Evaluation of the Participants of the Online Participation Procedure #meinfernsehen2021 (Jonathan Seim)
The publication is available for purchase and download as a hardcover edition and as an OpenAccess e-book from Nomos.