DIID research workshop with André Bächtiger

Research thrives on critical and constructive dialogue. As part of a DIID research workshop, we welcomed Prof. Dr André Bächtiger (University of Stuttgart) to Schloss Mickeln on 21 June. André Bächtiger is an internationally recognised expert in the field of empirical deliberation and democratisation research and an enthusiastic generator of ideas.

During the workshop, some DIID researchers had the opportunity to present current research projects and receive feedback and suggestions for further development from André Bächtiger. First on the programme was a presentation by Henri Mütschele, who is investigating “Persuasive functions in the public communication of climate movements” as part of his dissertation, in which framing and argument analysis are to be combined in an innovative way. Dr Carina Weinmann then presented a project outline that focuses on the “Effects of cross-cutting exposure on the participation of citizens in political discussions”. Maike Behrendt and Prof Dr Marc Ziegele presented the AQuA tool, which can detect AI-based high-quality contributions in online discussions. Dr Fabian Anicker concluded the event by formulating “Sociological questions for deliberation research”.

We would like to thank Prof Dr André Bächtiger for his valuable advice and exciting presentation at the DIID summer retreat. We would also like to thank all participating DIID members for their exciting and stimulating contributions and the fruitful discussions. We are sure that some exciting projects will emerge from this. What is certain is that we will continue our dialogue.