Arbeitsbereich: Computational Linguistics

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Gabriella Lapesa

23. October 2023

Gabriella Lapesa is a Junior Professor for Responsible Data Science and Machine Learning at the HHU-Düsseldorf and the leader of the Data Science Methods team in the Department for Computational Social Science at GESIS Cologne. She also leads the BMBF-funded group E-DELIB (Powering up E-DELIBeration: towards NLP-supported moderation) at the University of Stuttgart.

She is a computational linguist who applies NLP in interdisciplinary settings, with a strong focus on Social and Political Science (i.e., supporting decision making in forums with NLP; capturing the dynamics of political debates in newspaper reports). Further domains of interest are the application of NLP methods for cognitive modeling and linguistics.

Regina Stodden

12. December 2019

Regina Stodden joined the Department of Computational Linguistics at HHU-Düsseldorf in January 2019 as a research assistant and is a fellow of the second funding phase of the NRW Research College Online Participation. She studied Educational Science, Text Technology and Computational Linguistics at the University of Bielefeld (B.A.) and Information Science and Language Technology at the HHU-Düsseldorf (M.A.). During her bachelor studies she did research on a thinking smart home (CITEC Bielefeld). Furthermore, during her master studies she investigated the accessibility of Open Data portals and developed possible applications of Open Data.

In the course of the research college Online Participation she focuses on automatic text processing, especially text simplification, of contributions from online discussions in order to enable more people (e.g. people with low German language skills) to participate on the one hand and to reduce the manual workload of text analysis on the other hand.