Prof. Dr. Susanne Hahn
Board, Philosophy

Prof. Dr. Susanne Hahn has been an adjunct professor at the Institute of Philosophy at HHU-Düsseldorf since 2016. She has held a professorship there since 2017, focusing on theoretical philosophy. She is the recipient of the German Prize for Philosophy and Social Ethics of the Max-Uwe-Redler Foundation. Her main research interests are rationality, normativity, and business ethics.
In the context of DIID, she is concerned with the normative challenges posed by digitalization. These include, for example, the need to rethink the justification of forms of representative and direct democracy in light of technological possibilities.
0211 / 81-14959
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Gebäude 23.32, Etage U1, Raum 64